Dealing with holiday stress

The holidays can bring a lot of stress, leaving most of us feeling anxious or exhausted. Prepare yourself for the season and take steps to cope with all that that arises. Here are tips to reduce holiday stress.

  • Recognize when you are getting stressed. When the holidays come around, it’s easy to get so busy that you forget to pay attention to the warning signs that you are becoming stressed. Some signs of stress can include problems sleeping, being more irritable, feeling depressed or having body aches. 

  • Know your limitations. It is easy to feel over-extended during the holidays and feel you have no time to get things done. You may take on too many responsibilities and obligations that you find yourself getting stressed and tired. When you start getting to your capacity, it is okay to tell people, “No.” Prioritize what is important to you and give yourself permission to let some things go. 

  • Know your financial limitations. Set a budget of what you are willing to spend this holiday season. A lot of stress comes from the money spent wanting to get the perfect gift for that special someone or for your children. Letting your children know that some things are too expensive and that even Santa Claus has a budget is okay. You can get someone a meaningful and personal gift without having to spend a fortune. 

  • Be realistic with your goals. During the holidays, expectations can cause stress as you try to figure out how you are going to accomplish everything. Take a step back and reassess your goals. Ask yourself if your goals are realistic. Can you accomplish everything you want? Is the goal set so high that achieving it is impossible? Are you giving yourself enough time to get what you want done? Keep these questions in mind when setting your goals. 

  • Take time for yourself. There is no written rule that says that you have to be there for everyone all the time. It is important that you take a break once in a while to give yourself a chance to rest and recharge your batteries. You must ensure you keep doing those little things that keep you healthy, like sleeping.  

  • Avoid excessive alcohol or other drug use. It is easy during the holidays to get caught up in the festivities and holiday parties, especially when you feel stressed. However, drug use or too much alcohol can create more problems that can be easily avoided.  

If the stress of the holidays becomes too challenging or other things contribute to your stress, talking to a mental health professional can help.